Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Job Reality, Part Two

So almost two weeks after my last blog, I find myself in a completely different place in life. Let’s just say my whole brainwashing notion didn’t exactly work out as planned. In fact, the brainwashing only led me to suppressing my true reality. Last Monday, that reality reared its lovely head and I was left broken and disappointed. The truth is, no matter how much I attempted to mask it, I was being overworked and overwhelmed. After a peaceful chat with my husband and a story about the Mexican fisherman from my best friend, I knew what I had to do.

The next day at work I typed a brief letter. As I took it in my hand, I got up and headed towards my bosses office. As I felt the tears rush to my eyes, I went back to my desk to call Ryan for a quick pep talk. He reminded me that this was a business deal and was nothing personal. He also reminded me to be strong and not get emotional. I love my husband because he knows me so well. I didn’t even have to tell them that I had already attempted to confront my boss and was stopped midway due to a mini tearfest. But pep talk or not, I finally made it into my bosses office and the tearfest ensued. (I’ve just accepted that I’m horribly emotional.)

So without a new job under my belt or any idea of where I’ll end up, I put in my two weeks notice. Instantly, I was overwhelmed with glee. A normal person might be worrying about their mortgage and feeding their dogs. Nope, not me. I was happy to be unemployed!

Within a few days, I was given an opportunity to work from home a couple hours each day. I won’t bore you will all those details. Instead, I’d like to share with you what I’ve gained from this experience.

1. Follow your heart. It will ALWAYS speak louder than your mind. No matter how much you try to change what your mind thinks, your heart will always remain constant.

2. Never make a decision based on fear. Being unemployed is ever-frightening. But, realizing that there is a purpose and plan for your life and that a job might not be apart of those plans right now allows you to take your mind to the place your heart has been all along.

3. It’s okay to be emotional. Whether you put in your two weeks with laughs, screams or tears doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, you still quit your job. Not to mention, allowing your boss to witness first hand the emotional trauma they’ve put you through might encourage them to change the way they treat their employees. In my situation, it’s highly unlikely, but perhaps it might work that way for the rest of you.

"The reality of life is that your perceptions--right or wrong--influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place."
-Roger Birkman

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  1. Super proud of you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your heart. Love the quote at the end!
