Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Free Coffee- Day One

Well today was one of those days where you wake up and everything starts off wrong. One of my dogs (I'm unsure of which one) decided to poop in the house over night. That was quite lovely to wake up too! My contacts took ridiculously long to put in this morning which led to me rushing all the rest of my AM routine. The rude people in my commute kind of topped the morning off. Once I got to work and had a moment to sip my latte, I realized I hadn't done much to change the world this morning. Nope, I didn't hold doors and I certainly didn't slow down to let people cut in front of me on the freeway.

Upon this realization, I decided today would be the day I handed out my first gift card. I wrote out the card "To a stranger, from a stranger. Happy Wednesday!". I went to Target on my lunch break to replenish some household items. As I looked for a parking spot, I tried my best to be aware of the people around me. Maybe I would see a woman with a screaming kid or an employee that needed something a little more refreshing than an hour lunch break.

Well, I didn't happen to run across anything obvious like that. Instead, as I pulled into a parking spot I noticed a woman in front of me sitting in her car. She was chatting on her phone-actually, she appeared to be listening more than talking. As I cleaned out my purse before getting out of the car (I have a nasty habit of carrying far too much with me which often gets too heavy during shopping excursions), I kept my eye on this girl. She seemed young, like a college student and as I recall, most college students would be quite excited to get free coffee. So as she got out of her car, I got my card ready. Once she was far enough away, I got out of the car and slipped the card on the driver's side window under the wiper.

When I got into the store, I noticed her cute yellow purse. She was still on the phone. I so badly wanted to follow her to see if I could learn just a little bit about her. But, I don't want to be perceived as crazy so I nixed that idea and ran my errands. I always top off my Target stops with some Starbucks, so I ordered a coffee before leaving. To my delight, I spotted the yellow-pursed college student walking to her car. I couldn't believe I might be able to witness her finding the Starbucks card!! To my dismay I reached my car just as she was pulling out--with the card still on her windshield!

But even if she never does see the card, I felt so instantly happy as soon as I left it for her. It was the bad day boost I needed!!

I hope you can take something from my experience today. I certainly learned not to leave gift cards on people's windshields. But most importantly, going out of your way for a stranger can totally turn your day around!! Maybe you want to give it a try?

I can hardly wait for the next handout!

☼ ap


  1. Why is it that when we hope to change someone else it is us who experience the change? Keep chipping away, one person at a time...

  2. Hi Ashlee! Thanks so much for your sweet comment. Marriage is wonderful...
    I love your blog. I can say I'm already hooked! This is a great idea and I can't wait to see what happens next. You're inspiring :)

  3. Hi Ashlee,
    I hope life in the OC is good. And I hope you are enjoying married life. I haven't talked to you in so long! I am curious as to what kind of stuff do you do regarding immigration law? Anyway, thanks for directing me to your blog. I kind of have a weird hobby of reading blogs, so I will definitely follow your adventures here. I look forward to seeing how this journey goes for you. Great idea!
    Brooke G.

  4. thankyou for your post! It has been a long time..... and your married now.....
    is that to Mr. Ryan ??? or another Peters that you have met along the way???
    congrats and welcome to the world of blogging- it is a great way to really seek out those who you miss, as well as have likeminded ideas.

  5. love this ash!! i'm inspired. can't wait to see what difference you make next.

  6. I so want to try this out! Love the idea... Ashlee, reading your blog is very inspiring. Thanks for using your talents to do good in this world and to show God's love to unexpecting strangers. I love it! Thanks!
