Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Changing Myself

These last few weeks have been a bit crazy around here. Life is taking me through some pretty big transitions which led to a mini vacay from the blog.

I've learned a lot from my experiences in the past few weeks so I thought I would share them. But first, here's a little background on me. I'm a HUGE life planner. I don't care about planning Friday night or dinner plans on Saturday. I'm talking the big life stuff. One of my favorites- the future. Future jobs, future babies, future homes. You name it- I've already planned it. I'll even go as far as becoming aware of a "potential" transition and plan it out even if there is no chance it will actually come through. Although my husband initially thought I was crazy, I think its become a weird quirk that just earns me bonus points.

Now, I understand life is unpredictable. I'm a firm believer that my life was planned out a long time ago and everything that happens on a daily basis is just fulfilling the life God already planned. I understand most things are beyond my control. While understanding that, I still have this ridiculous desire to plan everything.

In the last few weeks, my school and job plans have been dramatically altered. In addition to both these, I seem to be lacking a little something called "sense of direction". How this happened and how I got here, I have no idea. But, here are a few tidbits I'm learning along the way:

-Enduring unexpected changes with grace and ease enables you to grow as a person.

-Enduring unexpected changes with lots of tears, denial and apathy doesn't allow for too much growth as a person.

-Change truly happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes these are all just a way of getting your attention. Stop. Breathe. Take a look at yourself.

- Change can be exciting! Okay, not at first, but the thought of something new and different can fill your heart with joy.

-Going through tough times forces you to depend on others. Whether it be a Thursday night glass of wine with your best friend or an impromptu discussion with your husband in the Arby's parking lot. Allow your relationships to benefit.

-Change allows you to do a little Spring Cleaning on your life. Clean out the things you don't need.

At the end of the day, change will forever be apart of our lives. Embracing change and growing with change allows us to emerge as stronger and better people because of what we've been through. After all, changing the world starts with changing yourself.

☼ ap


  1. Great post, and a great reminder that we really ought to welcome change, despite the scariness that it often brings. The more I try to plan, the more I realize I can't :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I resonate with this post a lot. I, too, am a huge life planner. I appreciate the tidbits you shared of what you have been learning through your transitions. I often feel lacking in the "sense of direction" department, and I seem to have to learn these lessons over and over again. Whatever changes you are experiencing, I hope that you enjoy the journey.

  3. OH I love this post.... you are growing, and it shows the beauty within. Although change may hurt, it brings flowers to bloom.

    tif and the boys
