Friday, February 6, 2009

holding doors + smiles = joy

I made a bit of progress this week. I think I held more doors and smiled at more strangers than I have in a long time. And, to be honest, I feel really good. In fact, my smiles and eagerness to assist others has really become more of a genuine feeling rather than something I feel forced to do because I’m blogging about it.

I handed out another gift card on Wednesday. I couldn’t really tell you anything about the person. It was just a convenient place for me to leave a card without looking like some kind of creeper. The instant I set down the gift card, I got a quick joyish rush. I felt a bit like a superhero for a moment.

Although it still felt quite good to surprise another stranger, I do find myself being a bit too eager to hand these things out. I think it would be best to surprise people when the moment presents itself, rather then attempting to force the moment. In the mean time, I will continue working on going out of my way for people throughout my daily routines in hopes of making small steps of progress. Being conscience of even the smallest actions has really made a huge difference in my own attitude and views. I’m looking forward to what’s ahead.

☼ ap


  1. Hey B,

    I can't wait to see where this goes. And I think you're a super hero everyday.

  2. So often people talk about change and how they wished the world was a different place but so rare that someone puts such thoughtful effort into making it happen.
