Monday, May 4, 2009

It's Monday...

1. the HUSBAND is home tonight
2. my favorite guilty pleasure is on TV tonight
3. im going to break a GOOD sweat (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 sit ups, 1 sprint, as fast as you can 5x’s)
4. i didn’t get the job-but I still feel good enough to make a DIFFERENCE in the world
5. i have genuinely amazing people in my life- they keep me STRONG even when i don’t feel like i can be


  1. Kelly Zack CastilloMay 5, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    I love all your 5 reasons, especially number 2!!! I thought it was a great episode. Thanks for making me smile through your 5 reasons. =)

  2. What job were you trying to get? I am on the job hunt now for a job to start in September. Pretty much the worst time to try to get a job ever. But I am also coming to the realization that there are definitely other ways to make a difference than through a paycheck. So, I agree with you and your post.

  3. it is the worst time to get a job!! i had applied for something at Mariner's church. but, i know there is a helps me keep the hope!

  4. I love reason number three. A good sweat is great and a great sweat is well earned. love you!
